Neurodiversity &

neuro inclusion


Are you looking to learn more about neurodiversity and neuro inclusion? You're in luck, Neuro Tide offers special masterclasses led by someone who knows just what it's like to be neurodivergent. You'll receive authentic tailored advice that's perfect for your role and organisation.

Bring your team together and make your workplace more inclusive with Neuro Tide. We can't wait to help you get started.

All sessions have opportunities for plenty of Q&As, and they always include lots of practical guidance.

  • Neurodiversity & neuro inclusion for HR & line managers

  • Neurodiversity & neuro inclusion for all colleagues

  • Neurodiversity & neuro inclusion for recruiters & talent acquisition

  • Neurodiversity & neuro inclusion for contact centres

  • Neurodiversity & neuro inclusion for passenger carriers

  • Bespoke, neurodiversity & neuro inclusion tailored session written just for you

Content overview of Neuro Tide’s neurodiversity & neuro inclusion masterclasses.

  • Part 1 contents of neurodiversity and neuro inclusion masterclass

    We begin by helping you understand ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, & Dyspraxia by defining and going into detail appropriate to your needs. You will also discover some statistics, and understand more about sensory matters, strengths and also challenges associated with each condition. We also discuss the models of disability and the relationship between neurodivergence and mental illness.

  • Part 2 contents of neurodiversity and neuro inclusion masterclass

    Whether it be recruitment, talent acquisition, customer service, passenger focus, line manager and HR, or something else, this is where we apply the knowledge to help you in your role. Each masterclass contains plenty of practical guidance for the role to empower the audience and enhance neuro inclusion when enabled. The session is also tailored to your industry and your organisation’s goals and themes.

Embracing neurodiversity in the workplace for line managers

Welcome to our comprehensive neurodiversity and neuro inclusion line manager masterclass, consisting of ten parts, designed to provide your line managers with a clear, simplified understanding of neurodivergent conditions. Our goal is to help you create a safe and neuro inclusive workplace that embraces neurodiversity and neuro inclusion. Our modules offer practical guidance tailored to your specific needs, empowering you to become an effective leader and create a positive impact on your colleagues and your organisation. Contact us today and take the first step towards building a thriving and neurodiverse workplace.

Each session is delivered by a neurodivergent person which gives you a special inside knowledge.

120 minutes plus Q&As

  • Helping you to recognise and also value the neurodivergence within your workplace, whilst also helping you with understanding its significance.

  • You will achieve a much clearer understanding of the conditions ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and Dyspraxia. This enhanced literacy will empower you to make changes and enhance inclusion.

  • You will discover how to identify barriers to neuro inclusion and learn how to foster a culture of acceptance and understanding of and for neurodiverse colleagues.

  • This module helps you understand and develop effective communication strategies as well as providing tools for your neurotypical and neurodivergent colleagues communication effectively.

  • This module explores reasonable adjustments for neurodivergent colleagues, as well as discovering knowing what to ask a colleague and when. Additionally, you will learn when an adjustment is successful.

  • Here we explore how you can promote collaboration, leverage neurodiverse strengths, and encourage teamwork and mutual support.

  • There will be challenges with implementing neurodiversity and neuro inclusion initiatives, so here we explore how to recognise these and overcome them. There is also a discussion of two way feedback for continual improvement.

  • Each person is capable of their own 100% and here we help you provide a framework for a neurodivergent colleague to achieve theirs. We also explore appraisals themselves and the capability process. You will learn how to make the appraisal exercise neuro inclusive.

  • Techniques are explored to support you with gaining the support of leadership for your neurodiversity and neuro inclusion initiatives. We also explore how to integrate neurodiversity and neuro inclusion into your values, policies and practices.

  • This module discusses how to showcase the success stories of neurodiverse colleagues and also within this module, learn how to encourage colleagues to partake in ongoing neurodiversity and neuro inclusion education and awareness.

  • Across each module, we present you with and discuss practical resources and tools to support you with your neuro inclusion goals. This includes the resources found here at Neuro Tide

Condition focused masterclasses.

  • ADHD masterclass

  • Autism Spectrum masterclass

Content overview of the ADHD masterclass.

  • Part 1 contents of the ADHD masterclass

    We begin by defining what ADHD is, including an exploration of the model of ADHD. You will also discover some statistics, and understand more about sensory matters, strengths and also challenges associated with ADHD including Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. We also discuss the models of disability and the relationship between ADHD and mental illness, and more.

  • Part 2 contents of ADHD masterclass

    Whether it be recruitment, talent acquisition, customer service, passenger focus, line manager and HR, or something else, this is where we apply the knowledge to help you in your role. Each masterclass contains plenty of practical guidance for the role to empower the audience and enhance neuro inclusion when enabled. The session is also tailored to your industry and your organisation’s goals and themes.

Content overview of the Autism Spectrum Condition masterclass.

  • Part 1 contents of the Autism Spectrum Condition masterclass

    We begin by defining what Autism Spectrum is including communication, empathy, stimming, anxiety, language, and burnout. You will also discover some statistics, and understand more about sensory matters, strengths and also challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Condition. We also discuss the models of disability and the relationship between Autism and mental illness, and more.

  • Part 2 contents of the Autism Spectrum Condition masterclass

    Whether it be recruitment, talent acquisition, customer service, passenger focus, line manager and HR, or something else, this is where we apply the knowledge to help you in your role. Each masterclass contains plenty of practical guidance for the role to empower the audience and enhance neuro inclusion when enabled. The session is also tailored to your industry and your organisation’s goals and themes.