Line manager

neurodiversity support

We empower your line managers to be their best for neurodivergent colleagues by increasing your neurodiversity and neuro inclusion literacy, and confidence.

At Neuro Tide, we offer personalised support options to cater to your needs effectively. Whether it's an onsite visit for in-depth discussions, tailored guidance, and addressing queries, or online support for convenient assistance, we ensure a comprehensive experience to assist you every step of the way. Our commitment is to provide you with the necessary resources and guidance to enhance your journey.

At Neuro Tide, we understand the importance of addressing a wide range of scenarios to fully support neurodiversity and neuro inclusion. If you find that a specific scenario is missing from our website and you require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Our team is dedicated to leveraging our expertise in neurodiversity and neuro inclusion to help you navigate challenges and progress forward. Your unique situation is important to us, and we are here to explore how we can best support your needs.

Contact us to begin the conversation and discover how we can work together towards a more neuro inclusive environment.

  • Neurodivergent colleague performance

    We help line managers to get the best performance from neurodiverse colleagues, by assessing what adjustments and approaches to tasks are required.

  • Neurodivergent colleague capability process

    When a colleague is at the stage of capability process we can help put things in place to support the manager and neurodivergent colleague. This often reduces friction, and with appropriated adjustments and approaches to tasks, this process can be navigated with a positive outcome.

  • Neuro inclusion named colleague training for managers

    Neuro Tide provide tailored training and support to provide you with knowledge about a condition and how it affects a particular colleague.

  • Colleague wellbeing

    Where a neurodivergent colleague has a wellbeing issue such as anxiety or stress, Neuro Tide can discover where that stems from and recommend adjustments and approaches to tasks that will then improve wellbeing of the named colleague.

  • Line manager neurodiversity & neuro inclusion training and empowerment

    Neuro Tide provide information, guidance and training to help line managers be independent and confident in the scope of neurodivergent conditions.

  • Supporting a colleague to share with their team, that they are neurodivergent

    Neuro Tide will help your line manager and neurodivergent colleague to share information about their condition. This also includes support for the team to understand the conditions to for the wellbeing and inclusion of your neurodivergent colleague.

Line manager

neurodiversity training

Embracing neurodiversity in the workplace for line managers

Welcome to our comprehensive neurodiversity and neuro inclusion line manager masterclass, consisting of ten parts, designed to provide your line managers with a clear, simplified understanding of neurodivergent conditions. Our goal is to help you create a safe and neuro inclusive workplace that embraces neurodiversity and neuro inclusion. Our modules offer practical guidance tailored to your specific needs, empowering you to become an effective leader and create a positive impact on your colleagues and your organisation. Contact us today and take the first step towards building a thriving and neurodiverse workplace.

Each session is delivered by a neurodivergent person which gives you a special inside knowledge.

120 minutes plus Q&As

  • Helping you to recognise and also value the neurodivergence within your workplace, whilst also helping you with understanding its significance.

  • You will achieve a much clearer understanding of the conditions ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and Dyspraxia. This enhanced literacy will empower you to make changes and enhance inclusion.

  • You will discover how to identify barriers to neuro inclusion and learn how to foster a culture of acceptance and understanding of and for neurodiverse colleagues.

  • This module helps you understand and develop effective communication strategies as well as providing tools for your neurotypical and neurodivergent colleagues communication effectively.

  • This module explores reasonable adjustments for neurodivergent colleagues, as well as discovering knowing what to ask a colleague and when. Additionally, you will learn when an adjustment is successful.

  • Here we explore how you can promote collaboration, leverage neurodiverse strengths, and encourage teamwork and mutual support.

  • There will be challenges with implementing neurodiversity and neuro inclusion initiatives, so here we explore how to recognise these and overcome them. There is also a discussion of two way feedback for continual improvement.

  • Each person is capable of their own 100% and here we help you provide a framework for a neurodivergent colleague to achieve theirs. We also explore appraisals themselves and the capability process. You will learn how to make the appraisal exercise neuro inclusive.

  • Techniques are explored to support you with gaining the support of leadership for your neurodiversity and neuro inclusion initiatives. We also explore how to integrate neurodiversity and neuro inclusion into your values, policies and practices.

  • This module discusses how to showcase the success stories of neurodiverse colleagues and also within this module, learn how to encourage colleagues to partake in ongoing neurodiversity and neuro inclusion education and awareness.

  • Across each module, we present you with and discuss practical resources and tools to support you with your neuro inclusion goals. This includes the resources found here at Neuro Tide

More neuro inclusion learning sessions for you

Neuro Tide is pleased to offer additional opportunities for you to delve into the realm of neuro inclusion. We have curated a series of learning sessions designed to broaden your understanding and foster a more inclusive environment. Join us as we navigate through these insightful sessions together.